HTML5 (Part 9) New selectors:

A CSS selector refers to the manner in which HTML element(s) are styled using a stylesheet. For example, to put a border around all <div> elements you would use the selector div:
         div { border: 1px solid #000; }.

HTML5 (Part 8) New features in CSS3

This post introduces to the new features that can be found in the CSS level 3 specifications—including new CSS selectors such as:

HTML5 (Part 7) Other new features

HTML5 (Part 7) Other new features
HTML5 includes so many new features; it's impossible to cover them all in this posts. This post provides a brief overview of some of the other enhancements in the specification.

HTML5 (Part 6) Web form enhancements

If you have created Web applications before, you are more than likely familiar with HTML's set of form controls, some of which are implemented using the <input> element. In HTML 4, the following input types were supported:

HTML5 (Part 5) Local storage and offline applications (cookies)

Web developers have traditionally used cookies to store information on a visitor's local machine, allowing a Web page to read this information back at a later point.

HTML5 (Part 4) Playing <audio> and <video>

HTML5 (Part 4) Playing <audio> and <video>
In recent years, the popularity of video sharing sites such as YouTube and content delivery platforms like Hulu has seen a huge explosion in the use of the Web for multimedia streaming.

HTML5 (part 3) The <canvas> element

The <canvas> element was originally developed by Apple for use in Mac OS X Dashboard widgets and in Safari, but was later adopted by Mozilla and Opera in
their Web browsers.

HTML5 (part 2) Semantic elements

Semantic elements:The HTML5 specification includes a series of new semantic elements that is used to give some meaning to the various sections or parts of a Web page, such as a:

HTML5 and CSS3 (part 1)

First we assume your basic experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We assume that you are
How to Create Web sites using HTML5 and CSS3:

The world is moving to HTML5.

There’s been a lot of discussion since the announcement of the Apple iPad over Apple’s decision to not include Flash support on the device